Monday, April 9, 2012

An Update.

Sorry about my absence. I never expected to be gone from the scene so long. I thought at most it would be a week or less not two months. I feel like I have let you all down and that I am a quitter. I have built up a reader base and I can't keep around to give you what you all want.

I started school with the intent to keep up with writing about nail polish or other products. The first month or so was alright I know the posts became very sparse and not what I used to write about. I wish that I could continue to go to school and write to you guys every night telling you what is on my fingers and how my day is going, what my future plans are and the products that I am currently loving. But there are things in my life that are going on that make it really hard. I'll explain below.

With my school well in most Idaho schools you are required to be in the class room for 3 months and then on the floor (client floor) taking appointments for 11 more months which adds up to be 2000 hours. I have already racked up 371 to date. I will be on the floor next week and by then I hope I have time to plan posts, take pictures, edit them, and write about products. If not then I will be doing it on the weekend and have them planned throughout the week. That is my plan, I can not tell you how it will pan out or if I will have a few snags a long the way.

As for now I will not be buying any new polish or products unless I absolutely need them. I am having issues with paying for things because I am not employed and have no money coming in until the middle of May or so.I am glad to have what I have now, a phone, internet, and a place to live. People who love me.

As for the giveaway that I am having, The end date might change, I might move it along further. I know this sucks but really I don't have money to ship it out right now. As for the first prize winner, I am so sorry that I haven't be able to ship it out yet. I know I should have picked better timing for my giveaways but I honestly thought that I would have gotten my money right when I started school.

So if you want to still enter my giveaway please feel free to. I am rounding 250 followers. I think I will get there by the time I can actually ship the prizes out. Then maybe at 500 Followers I can do another giveaway.

Again I am super sorry that I have let you all hanging, that wasn't my intentions at all. I just have been really busy. I hope you all will understand and continue to stay around.

I miss you all

Pam <3